Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Join the DeLightScope...

Driving along in the car one day I was inspired by two radio hosts doing a horrific horoscope for the day.

The Leo one was terrible and and as my whole body reacted to their words I said “Bugger that – I don’t want that rubbish in my day!! I’m creating my own great life and this is not good!! This is a Horror-Scope!!”

My guides kicked in and said “You change it then – so I said “OK – what’s it going to be?”
And they said “You are bringing people The Light and a new way to See things…
And so the DeLightScope came into being.
I was told it was my job to uplift people, teach about energy and miracles and so here is a sample if you join - you will get a text on a Monday morning – if you are in New Zealand.

(Worldwide DeLightScopers can get it if they download What’s App? add me and drop me a message)

The DeLightscope is a clearing, a healing, an empowering message and a welcoming energy for miracles to come into your week.

It engages the Law of Attraction – so simple, hand delivered right to you. All you need to do is read it and take a moment to breathe and relax.

Your DeLightScope:

Close your eyes for a moment, take a breath in through your nose and
put your consciousness into the gold of your heartspace.
Feel into it.
Ask for peace energy, clarity, focus, serenity and grounding.
Ask to witness your own magnificence.
(go on, you can do it)
Feel the strength that comes with it and breathe out through your mouth.
You have just cycled these energies through your body, laying open a
path for grace-filled experiences.
A cloak of gold comes around your shoulders now,
blessing you and inviting miracles into your week.
You so deserve them - enJOY.

Much love,
Deb x

Here’s what a few people say about the DeLightScope…

"Deb your DeLightScope saved me from yelling at the Boss twice.. The timing is spooky – twice it’s arrived within 10 mins of me really blowing my stack, and I realised there wasn’t really anything to be yelling about and I felt heaps better.”
"Thank you Deb, that has come at a really tough time for me, it helps me keep my chin up and my heart filled with hope.”

 “Your words resounded through my mind when I needed it. How did you know the words I needed to hear?”

 “Deb, this message saves me from being grouchy in the office and every Monday I really look forward to it.”

 To Join:

Loads of the DeLightScopers forward this text on to Mum’s Dad’s and friends -
and anyone is welcome to join the DeLightScope – you don’t have to be one of my clients.
So to receive a little golden light and grace weekly, simply text your name to me on 021 726 276.
For international DeLightScopers - the phone number you need to enter is 00 64 21 726 276

Together we are a community of love. And we spread the light when we engage with it.
Blissings and Blessings - Deb x

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