Thursday, June 14, 2012

Light comes when we allow it

Light comes when we allow it.
When we remove our resistance to its existence.
Because it's already here.
Peace comes when we allow it.
When we remove our resistance to its existence.
Because it's already here.
Love comes when we allow it. Yes. It does.
When we remove our resistance to its existence.
Because it's already here.
So simple - yet so difficult. Why?
Freedom comes when we discover - however we discover - we are vessels of light and peace and love and that we can never be separate from each other because our interconnectedness has no opposite.
What we do to ourSelves, we are doing to others and all of the 'space' we see in between us and the others.
What we do to others we are doing to ourSelves.
So to cast rocks, throw stones, curse and carry on goes around this sphere we call home and comes to settle at your own back. This karma you wish others would get back, is already coming to them as the law of cause and effect comes into play. As you put your 10 cents in though, you become an investor. Will you get interest I wonder? Or just your 10 cents back?
Your challenge is to see the light and the love and the peace in every other being on the planet.
Even the trickier ones. The challenging beings that come here to cause chaos and destruction create environments in which everyday people can become helpers, angels, healers, heroes and support crews.
Pain often draws people closer together.
Suffering brings opportunities for compassion and demonstrations of great love. It brings opportunities for spiritual and emotional growth and strength.
So the dark, also brings the light just as surely as the night brings the dawn.
There is grace in every moment if you choose to see it.
(c) Deb x 2012

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